Templates streamline initial design when starting work on new cards and allow mass changes across multiple cards. When you assign a Template to a card, its layout is also applied. Later, edits made to the Template can be pushed to all cards that has the Template assigned.
For example, if 100 cards share a Template and you want to change a text color, simply edit the Template, select the text, change the color, and click Apply to Cards. A panel will let you choose which properties to apply, select color and confirm. The color change is now applied to all 100 cards.
Editing Templates
Editing Template cards works like editing regular cards. From the project dashboard, open the Template Collection, then select an existing Template or create a new one.
Changes to Template objects (Images and Texts) do not automatically update cards that has the Template assigned. To apply changes, click Apply to Cards.
While applying changes is manual, Card Engine automates certain tasks to speed up workflow:
When applying changes with ‘Create if Missing’ enabled in the apply-window, the layer will be created on the cards as well if it does not exist, to ensure layer integrity.
Deleting a text or image from a Template will also delete it from all cards that has the Template assigned.
Duplicating a layer duplicates it across all cards that has the Template assigned. (Only the template’s original objects are included in the duplicated layer. For example, if you duplicate a layer named "icons," any images added to that layer on individual cards won’t be included in the duplicated layer)
Pasting a layer adds it to all cards that has the Template assigned. (Same as above, in regards to objects included in the new layer)
Deleting a layer removes its objects from all cards that has the Template assigned (but not the layer itself, as cards maintain unique layer structures).
Users strongly requested unique layer structures for cards, allowing them to edit cards freely even when a Template is assigned. While this approach provides great flexibility, it does limit automation. However, based on extensive feedback, the current implementation strikes a good balance.
Undo/Redo Limitations
Undo/redo does not push changes to cards. It only reverts changes on the Template being edited. For example, if you undo a deletion to restore an object, you must manually click Apply to Cards to add it to the cards as well.
This may be addressed in future updates.
Editing Cards with a Template Assigned
Assigning a Template replaces the current card’s design with the Template’s layout. If done by accident, simply click Undo before closing the editor to restore the previous state.
Each card remains a unique instance. You can add or remove text, images, and layers without issue. Template-based objects can also be deleted freely from the cards. When applying changes in the Template, Card Engine will simply skip missing objects unless you enable Create if Missing in the apply-window.
The apply object properties process works by finding cards that has the Template assigned, and on a match, look for an object with an ID matching that of the Template object, and on a match, apply properties that you chose in the apply-window.