Importing and using your own custom assets
You can import your own images and fonts for use in Card Engine. Card Engine supports:
Image files: PNG, JPG, JPEG
Font files: TTF, OTF
Here are the steps to import assets:
Load a card into the card editor.
In the ‘Asset Browser’ in the right-side of the editor, open the category dropdown.
Select ‘New Category’, give it a fitting name, and click ‘Create’.
You will now see an empty category with a + icon in it. Clicking the + will open the native windows browser, allowing you to choose your image or font files.
Alternatively, custom assets can be imported by dragging and dropping them onto the Card Engine window with a custom category open. The assets will be imported to the custom category that is currently open.
After importing, Card Engine will copy the files and do some adjustments to resolution and aspect ratio so the new files fit well with Card Engine. The new files will then be placed in the project folders /CustomAssets folder. It is vital that you do not change file names in this folder after importing, as it will break asset referencing.